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La Famille Forster
organic seeds
Horticulture the natural way
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*2006* This variety available mail order *2006*
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Plant Details
  Tomato Monda Lycopersicon esculentum
Organic Cultivation

A non-hybrid (fixed) variety based on an old favorite amoungst market gardeners. Very early and heavy cropper producing masses of medium sized red fruits suitable for all uses.
Plant out as soon as all risk of frost has passed, as deep as the stem length will allow to promote additional sideways root growth and keep the root ball as near to constant moisture as possible. Water regularly. Steaking is advisable - can rise to 1.5m and be very heavy when laden with fruits. Prick out the side shoots and top after the fourth or fifth truss to promote the earliest ripening. Feed regularly with organic tomato feed. No real illness problems.
Pick in bunches or single fruits as required from End June to Mid Oct.